The myth of being 'non-political'
Something I hear commonly when talking to people, is the dreaded phrase "I'm non-political". Usually said to mean that they either don't know, care, or understand politics. It's likely true that a lot of these people don't understand or know about the intricacies of politics in the UK, but it's usually a complete lie that they don't care. These 'non-political' people are often more political than they realise, or care to admit. Let’s dive into this for a little while.
The reality
The single most daunting fact that these people tend to ignore is this - Almost everything is political. Annoyed about the price of goods going up? That's politics. Is public transport being extra terrible lately? I bet there's a budget being cut somewhere, that's politics. Speed limit on a road completely bonkers? Yeah, politics too, It's absolutely everywhere. That’s not to say that a lot of these issues could easily be fixed, be it by simply voting or otherwise, but I do think it’s important to note. Often the people that tell me they're 'non-political', are in the next breath complaining about something that is directly impacted by politics, be it local, national or otherwise. I believe this disconnect between people's understanding of what 'being political' is, and what it actually means, is a driving force for political apathy in the UK. Though, it's not just this apathy turning people away from being political.
The old boy's club
Something I hear fairly often when asking others about their distaste for politics, is that it seems like an old boy's club - A clique, you have to be within it to get it, and if you're not in the club, then good luck trying to get anywhere. I think to an extent there is some merit to this, it's no secret that there is such a thing in the UK called the 'Political Elite', a pompous title for an equally pompous set of people, but that's just my opinion. These are people that go to prestigious colleges and universities, live off of trust funds setup by their wildly wealthy families. They want you to 'believe' they are the political elite, bred for the job, but the reality is they are often so out of touch with how ordinary people live that they have no idea what could or even should be done to help us. Though, that would assume they actually wanted to help ordinary people, not something that they can often be accused of.
I will say this though - as much as there is this out of touch majority of politicians across the UK, there are still those within the halls of power that do care, understand, and want to change the world, or at least the UK, for the better. With modern journalism being what it is, the good, and often slow, work of a dedicated politician fighting to change democracy for good, is often drowned out by the clickbait headlines and manufactured panic that now reaches people the most. Often these individuals are in lower rungs of the ladder within politics, council members, leaders or indeed members of devolved parliaments.
What can be done & Where to look
Too often I see these relative mountains described as insurmountable. It is true that the path towards becoming more politically active and understanding politics as a whole can feel like facing a mountain at times, but to think that there is no way through, over or under, is not. The so-called 'political elite' would like nothing more than for you to throw up your hands and give up, political inaction is what keeps them in power, after all. But the reverse can also be true, all it would take to uplift democracy and remove those that do more harm than good to the general populace, is to act. I realise that people feel that they don't have all the facts, and often that may be correct, but it's easier for you to do a little research now in order to avoid years of misery in the future, surely? If you look through the annals of political history in the UK, searching for the elections with the highest voter turnout, you will find that these elections usually preceded incredible progressive change across the UK. And it’s also worth noting that the reverse is very often true here as well. Now, I know it's a bit rich of me to simply say "Do a little research" as I know full well how difficult it can be sometimes, getting the information you feel you need in order to make an informed decision at the ballot box. So let me try and help you with that.
There are a number of incredibly useful, high quality resources that can be used to make yourself more informed about politics, both in your local area and nationally. The best of these resources, I believe, is the aptly named 'They Work For You' - A charity run organisation that "takes open data from the UK's Parliaments, and presents it in a way that’s easy to follow – for everyone." They further state, "You shouldn’t have to be an expert to understand what goes on in Parliament." and I couldn't agree more. A number of other incredibly useful resources are The Electoral Commission, Write To Them and The Local Government Association
Whilst all of the above are great resources for those looking to be informed about politics, often for people it really only takes one issue for their desire to know more to bloom. Is there a local issue that you feel strongly about? Something that directly affects you or someone you know? The numbers show that most people who engage with politics surrounding a single personal issue, tend to end up engaging more broadly with politics in the future, in essence broadening their access to democracy. An effective way to start this process is through the use of petitions across the UK. The petitions for the UK government have certain thresholds, that once met, provide the creator with the ability to have their petition heard in the houses of parliament, debated, and then voted on - Many a progressive change has been made through the efficient use of petitions.
Food for thought
In essence, the notion of being 'non-political' is a fallacy we must dispel. Politics permeates every aspect of our lives, from the price of goods to the quality of public services. While there may exist an entrenched 'old boy's club' within politics, there are also passionate individuals striving for positive change, often overshadowed by sensationalism in modern media. The path to a more politically engaged society may seem daunting, but it begins with acknowledging our interconnectedness with politics and seizing the tools available to us, such as reputable resources and grassroots activism. By empowering ourselves with knowledge and action, we not only challenge the status quo but also pave the way for a more equitable and responsive democracy.